Numerous financial institutions, electronic money institutions and payment institutions on all aspects of regulatory structuring and compliance for provision of a broad range of payment services, including AML, governance, safeguarding, customer T&Cs, financial promotions and emerging regimes such as the Consumer Duty and the APP Fraud reimbursement requirements.
A number of clients on their applications to become UK-authorised electronic money or payment institutions. We continue to provide ongoing regulatory support to these clients as their businesses grow.
Prosus on the sale of PayU’s Global Payments Organisation for a total cash consideration of USD610 million to Rapyd, a leading Fintech-as-a-Service provider.In particular, advising and assisting on the regulatory approvals process in various jurisdictions.
A UK payment system operator on the structuring and drafting of a new Authorised Push Payment Fraud Reimbursement Scheme within its rulebook, as directed by the Payment Systems Regulator.
A global card scheme on the regulatory and contractual structuring and rulebook for a novel open-banking based payment arrangement, covering UK and EU payment systems and services, and consumer protection.
A global technology company on the regulatory scope of holding and trading NFT in various jurisdictions.
An international bank on its direct participation in the UK payment system and drafting a feasibility assessment and legal opinion in respect of issues arising from applicable laws.
A Middle Eastern central bank on the establishment of a new legal regime within its territory.
A number of traditional financial institutions and cryptoasset firms on all aspects of the application of financial services, AML / financial crime, sanctions, data protection regulations to novel cryptoasset products and services.