A leading US technology company on its international guide related to supplier relationships (temporary workers, vendors and contractors), internships and changes to terms and conditions of employment (collectively the “Guide”) and assisted assisted a multinational technology company to reflect new developments in the law, and to provide updates on an annual basis. The extended project covers 72 jurisdictions. For Asia Pacific, the project is coordinated out of Hong Kong, with advice being provided by A&O’s team in Hong Kong, PRC, Indonesia, Japan, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand and external “best friend” law firms.
A Chinese state-owned telecommunications operator o on a wide variety of employment matters ranging from employment contract and internal HR policy review, advice on anti-bribery related matters and investigation, employee investigations, intragroup transfer of employment, harmonization of employment terms and conditions, immigration and tax issues arising out of the arrangement, HR data privacy matters, employee disciplinary actions etc. Allen &Overy assisted China Unicom to coordinate local advice on issues which may impact on its global HR strategies. Allen & Overy also provides trainings to the Legal and Compliance teams of China Unicom in Hong Kong on topics involving summary dismissal and bribery.
Various private equity firms having operations in China and other jurisdictions in devising employee incentive schemes.
One of the leading consumer finance company in Hong Kong in relation to labour disputes which arose following the summary dismissal of senior executives involved in defrauding the company.
A well-known Italian manufacturer of chocolate and other confectionery products, in relation to its substantial expansion of its operations in China following detailed business and employment analysis by A&O and the structuring of its workforce in China to streamline its operations. The matter involves complex strategic considerations in balancing corporate and regulatory compliance (eg social insurance, tax structuring) issues and practical considerations in response to routine requests from senior executives and the local workforce. A&O also advises Ferrero extensively on numerous employment issues relating to the factory newly set up by Ferrero in China and its operations in Hong Kong. These include issues relating to employee investigations, trade union, the use of outsourced workers, employment policies relating to blue collar workers, the use of training bond arrangements, restrictive covenants, workplace injuries etc.
A leading US cash handling company having operations in China in defending claims from employees whose contracts were ended in light of the early liquidation of the employing entities. Working closely with local counsel and successfully defended claims in various cities in China, including Shanghai, Qingdao, Guangzhou etc..
A Chinese state-owned telecommunications operator on data protection issues including preparation of data privacy compliance documents, including personal information collection statements in the employment context, data processing agreement and data protection policy from the perspectives of the HK Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, PRC Personal Information Protection Law and GDPR.
An American multinational pharmaceutical company on data protection issues arising out of market research and marketing programs involving patient recruitment, vaccination programs, patient benefit programs offered in collaboration with NGOs and reimbursement programs endorsed by the regulator.
A well-known Italian manufacturer of chocolate and other confectionery products in conducting personal data gap analysis in preparation for compliance with the PRC Personal Information Protection Law and undertaking compliance work.
A French global automotive supplier on PRC data protection issues, including advice on conducting data mapping exercise, updating the global data privacy policies and documentation, preparing internal compliance manual for different business functions; advising on data privacy issues relating to employee monitoring or investigation.
One of the leading US life sciences company on numerous sensitive and highly confidential employment matters, including employee investigations and disciplinary proceedings against employees, exit of senior executives.