Lisa Curran
Image of Lisa Curran

Lisa Curran

Senior Counsel

Lisa's practice focuses on banking and capital markets work, with particular emphasis in derivatives, structured finance and regulatory compliance.

She acts as counsel to the International Swaps and Derivatives Associations in respect of matters involving Italian law and the Italian derivatives markets (including, but not limited to, issuance of the industry netting and collateral opinions published by ISDA for Italy), and regularly assists foreign and Italian financial institutions in connection with the management of credit and legal risks involved in financial transactions concluded with Italian public and private sector counterparties.

She has represented a number of clients in dialogues with the Bank of Italy and CONSOB (Italy’s securities regulator) in connection with issues concerning licensing, conduct of business requirements and application of sanctions. As counsel to ISDA, Lisa has had various interactions with the Bank of Italy in connection with matters relating to implementation of the BRRD, including in relation to resolution stay powers. Lisa's clients have included the World Bank and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. She has acted as a member of the Council for the Legal Practice Division of the International Bar Association (IBA), in which capacity she co-chaired compilation of a G20 Survey for the Policy Development Committee of the Basel Committee on Bail-in, and is a former Co-Chair of the IBA's Banking Committee. Lisa has provided expert witness testimony in relation to Italian court cases involving derivatives transactions and has been nominated to the panel of experts of PRIME Finance, a dispute resolution facility based in The Hague.

"Lisa Curran is recognized in the 2024 edition of The Best Lawyers in Italy™"



Published Work

  • Lisa has contributed a number of articles and acted as country correspondent for a variety of legal publications, including Butterworths Journal of International Banking and Financial Law.
  • In November 2010, Lisa coordinated a G20 survey of the legal issues associated with proposed bank "bail-in" measures for submission to the Policy Development Group of the Basel Committee. 

Speaking Engagements

Lisa regularly acts as speaker or moderator for panels dealing with financial and banking law topics, in the context of conferences and seminars held by the International Bar Association and the International Swaps and Derivatives Association.

Leadership Positions And Professional Affiliations

Member of the Council to the Legal Practice Division 

International Bar Association Former co-Chair,

Banking Law Committee  International Bar Association



Admitted as Solicitor, England and Wales, 1993


Queen's University, Kingston, Canada, 1986


English, Italian
A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.