Republic of Korea in relation to investment treaty claims brought by Malaysian and Chinese investors under the Korea-Malaysia Bilateral Investment Treaty and the Korea-China Bilateral Investment Treaty, respectively.
Korean National Oil Corporation (KNOC) in an investment treaty claim under the ICSID rules against Nigeria, regarding KNOC’s investments in the energy sector.
A Korean manufacturer in a Singapore-seated SIAC arbitration against its joint venture partner relating to distribution of its products in a foreign market.
A major Japanese car manufacturer in a Singapore-seated investment treaty arbitration against a South Asian State under the 2013 UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The case was settled after the company’s success in the jurisdictional phase. Our role also included advising on the Singapore court proceedings relating to the State’s challenge against a decision in our client’s favour.
A Mauritian investment fund on a Singapore-seated ICC arbitration and related Singaporean and Indian proceedings regarding its exit from a real estate investment in India. Our client was awarded all the sums requested and our role included successfully defending against the counterparty’s application to set aside a merits award in the client’s favour before the Singapore court proceedings.
A Chinese company on HKIAC claims commenced under a guarantee agreement, including in successfully obtaining security for costs that led to the discontinuance of the claims.
A major Korean contractor on a USD100m+, Singapore-seated arbitration concerning the construction of a gas-fired power plant in Southeast Asia.
A major Korean company in a dispute with a State-owned entity in a Southeast Asian State in the energy sector.
A Korean energy major in a dispute with a State-owned entity in the Middle East.
An oil & gas major in a Singapore-seated SIAC arbitration against its joint venture partner relating to exploration activities in an offshore field in a Southeast Asian State.
A global investment bank in a Hong Kong-seated HKIAC arbitration against a private equity fund in relation to warranties and indemnities in the sale and purchase agreement for the sale of the private equity’s business in the East Asian financial services industry.
One of the world’s largest producers of healthcare and pharmaceutical products on an LCIA arbitration against its insurers for reimbursement of various product liability claims arising from the use of a pharmaceutical product.
A global oil and gas exploration and production company on disputes arising out of construction work on one of the world’s largest ever LNG projects, including a USD150m ICC arbitration arising out of an offshore dredging contract.