Gabriel represents and advises companies and entities in commercial and investment treaty arbitrations.
Representative matters
Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd., as the Claimant in an ICSID arbitration against the Kingdom of Sweden (ICSID Case No. ARB/22/2). The dispute relates to Sweden’s ban of Huawei’s equipment from 5G infrastructure in Sweden and the claims are brought under the China-Sweden bilateral investment treaty.
A South East Asian company as Claimant in a SIAC arbitration in Singapore against a European oil & gas company in a USD multi-billion dispute concerning the price and terms on which LNG was to be sold. English law applied.
A major oil & gas company on its defence of hundreds of local court proceedings in South Asia in relation to employee and contractor rights, its potential commercial arbitration claims under production sharing contracts and contractor agreements, its potential investment-treaty claims under different bilateral investment treaties, its stakeholder engagement strategy, its internal policies in relation to employees and contractors, and its case management processes.
An international consortium in a dispute arising in connection with the development of a power project in Indonesia. The relevant agreements are subject to SIAC arbitration in Singapore. English law and Indonesian law govern.
A joint venture partner in a series of arbitrations and court proceedings arising from a failed joint venture. Hong Kong law applied.
A bank in multiple disputes in Taiwan, Singapore and Hong Kong. The matter has involved arbitration proceedings and court litigation including proceedings to set aside and resist enforcement of an arbitration award.
A pharmaceutical company in an HKIAC arbitration arising from an investment in a Taiwanese based biosimilar business. The claim was in excess of USD120m and concerned allegations of fraud and trade secrets theft. Hong Kong law applied.*
*Denotes prior firm experience.
Leadership Positions And Professional Affiliations
- Prior to joining the firm, Gabriel was an associate in a leading U.S. law firm
- He was also a deputy prosecutor in the Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) of Singapore, where he prosecuted a wide variety of criminal and regulatory matters and successfully argued a number of appellate cases before the High Court in Singapore
University of Oxford B.A. in Jurisprudence with First Class Honours