Claire advises groups on the HR aspects of strategic operations such as mergers and acquisitions and reorganizations, in particular during the works council consultation phase and negotiations with trade unions.
Representative matters
· Appointment as an expert to the European Commission, to review the Written Statement Directive in light of new forms of employment, leading to the adoption by EU Parliament on 20 June 2019, of the new Directive 2019/1152 on Transparent and predictable working conditions.
· Participation in the OECD project to review the Employment Protection Indicators to measure the level of employment protection of OECD countries (2019-2021).
· Speaker at the IBA Annual Employment and Diversity Law Conference 2022, 7-9 September, in Madrid, about promoting equality and implementing modern working conditions through the collective bargaining process.
Pro bono
Published Work
- Claire is the national correspondent for the European Employment Law Cases publication.
- Article, La Tribune, "La protection des lanceurs d'alerte, quoi qu'il en coûte", May 2022
- Article, «Projet de loi climat & résilience : quelle place pour l’environnement dans le dialogue social ?» - Romaric Lazerges, Claire Toumieux, Arthur Sauzay and Anaïta Massoumi - May 2021
- "Gender diversity on corporate boards" - Claire Toumieux, Silvia Bauza (MD), Livio Bossotto (ML), Gilles Dall'Agnol (LU), Sarah Henchoz (LN), Marta Sendrowicz (WR), Katinka Middelkoop (AM), Inge Vanderreken (BX), Marketa Cisarova (PG), Katarina Matulnikova (BT), Balazs Sahin-Toth (BD), Dr Maria Boerner (FR), May 2021
- Article, ”After the expansion of burnout claims, should employers worry about “bore-out” claims?”, August 2020
- Tribune, L’AGEFI, "Reprise de l’activité, un risque pénal maitrisable", July 2020
- Tribune, L’AGEFI, "Reprise de l’activité, un risque pénal maitrisable", June 2020
- Client publication: “Covid-19 - France Key restriction measures”, March 2020
- Article, “Key restriction measures and regulations related to the employees”, March 2020
- Article, Emergency and Economic Measures in Response to Yellow Vest Protests, January 2019
- Global Benefits Vision magazine, article: “French Income Tax reform: One Month Left for Companies to Comply with their New Obligations”, December 2018
- Article, "France: catching up with the #Metoo movement and addressing gender pay gap", October 2018
- Article, "Dénonciation de harcèlement moral: l'immunité ne s'applique que si l'employé qualifie expressément le harcèlement en tant que tel", Octobre 2017
- Article, "Réforme majeure du droit du travail en France: la révolution Macron", October 2017
- Article 5/5 "Ordonnances portant sur le renforcement du dialogue social : le rôle des branches", September 2017
- Article 4/5 "Ordonnances portant sur le renforcement du dialogue social : la fusion des institutions représentatives du personnel", Septembre 2017
- Article 3/5: "Ordonnances portant sur le renforcement du dialogue social : la négociation collective", September 2017
- Article 2/5: "Ordonnances portant sur le renforcement du dialogue social : les licenciements économiques", September 2017
- Article 1/5 "Ordonnances portant sur la réforme du code du travail : La prévisibilité et la sécurisation des relations de travail ", September 2017
- Article "Le nouveau "droit à la déconnexion" en France", February 2017
- Article, "Le suivi médical des salariés après la « Loi Travail »", January 2017
- Article, "Le volet social du projet de loi « Sapin II »", Décember 2016
- Article, "Rémunération des dirigeants de sociétés cotées : le projet de loi « Sapin II »", December 2016
- Article, "Loi « Travail » : et maintenant ?", September 2016
- Article, "Les nouvelles modalités de consultation des institutions représentatives du personnel", July 2016
Speaking Engagements
Speaker, at A&O ESG Webinar, April 2023 - "The S factor: Aligning Employer duties with social responsibility and ESG goals."
Speaker at the IBA Annual Employment and Diversity Law Conference 2022, 7-9 September, in Madrid, about promoting equality and implementing modern working conditions through the collective bargaining process.
Speaker, webinar, June 2022: “A global view on regulated compensation – What are the challenges?” (Belgium, Germany, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and UK) - Claire Toumieux, Speaker regarding the French aspects
In December 2021, Claire spoke at a seminar organized at the Institut Français de la Mode, alongside Chanel, on the theme of diversity and inclusion.
Speaker, Global Client Call, July 2021: “E&B: Employment issues in ESG and sustainability” In June 2021, press conference on the following topic: “Labour law and COVID-19: Assessment and supervision of the end of the crisis ".
Speaker, webinar, May 2021: “Employee reorganisations – what do you need to know?” In this webinar, members of A&O’s Global Employment team answered questions that many clients are asking us, including:
· What trends in employment reorganisation are we seeing globally and locally
· How do we anticipate the landscape evolving?
· How can employers prepare?
Speaker, Global Client Call, April 2021: “E&B on restructuring”
Speaker, webinar, March 2021: “A global view on whistleblowing – what is the current and anticipated landscape?” In this webinar, members of Allen & Overy’s Global Employment team discussed how countries are planning to implement the Directive against existing legislation. With levels of existing protection varying enormously across jurisdictions, the team look at steps taken so far as well as anticipate any future changes. They also look more broadly across the whistleblowing landscape and compare views across various jurisdictions, including the US.
Speaker, Global Covid Client Call, February 2021: “Can you require employees to have the vaccine before they return to the workplace?”
Speaker, Webinar, “Covid-19 coronavirus: France - Responsabilité pénale de l'entreprise et de son dirigeant en cas de contamination d'un salarié sur son lieu de travail”, May 2020
Participation in the “Journal of 20h” of TF1 where she spoke on the delicate reconciliation between the obligation of security of the employer vs the employees and the respect of the private life and the confidentiality of the personal information, in the context coronavirus health crisis, April 2020
Webinar, “Covid-19 coronavirus and global employment law: the key risks you need to be aware of”, March 2020
Participation in the live BFMTV Interview Coronavirus : pourquoi le gouvernement ne publie pas une liste des salariés qui doivent travailler" (she shared her expertise on the French legislative framework and the difficulties of drawing up a list of "essential" professionals, who must continue to work in the context of the current health crisis), March 2020
Participation to the second Paris Peace Forum with an A&O team of Partners, November 2019
Intervention lors de l’évènement Les Rencontres Economiques d'Aix-en-Provence, thème “Bad Students Today, Unemployed Tomorrow?”, session together with Laurent BIGORGNE (Institut Montaigne), Jean-Jacques GUIONY (LVMH), Beatrice GUILLAUME GRABISCH (Nestlé), Saïd HAMMOUCHE (Mozaïk RH), Sandrine FOULON (Alternatives Economiques) and Sayida OUNISSI (Ministre de l’Emploi et de la Formation professionnelle, Tunisie, July 2019
Lead discussant on collective terminations of employment, to participate in the OECD project to review the Employment Protection Indicators to measure the level of employment protection of OECD countries, June 2019
EELA Annual Conference, Tallinn, May 2019
Speaker, "L'UE protégé-t-elle les droits des travailleurs français ?", Le Figaro, May 2019
Speaker, "Travailler les jours fériés pour être payé plus ?" RMC-Bourdin Direct, May 2019
Speaker, Les Rencontres économiques d'Aix-en-Provence - Claire Toumieux speaking on “Is there still time for social Europe ?”, July 2018
Speaker, “Workshop on the Social and Economic Committee (ESC) "La réforme du Code du travail”, May 2018
Speaker, Breakfast in cooperation with the International Labour Organisation (ILO) - Thoughts on the « Future of Work », December 2017
Speaker, Client breakfast seminar “La réforme du Code du travail”, September 2017
Speaker, International Security Management Association’s (ISMA) and Overseas Advisory Council’s (OSAC) joint meeting in Paris, September 2017
Speaker, Cercle de la Compliance: Sapin II Law – “The implementation of a warning procedure”, June 2017
Speaker, AEF breakfast on the theme “Lanceurs d’alerte, lutte contre la corruption, ce qui change avec la loi Sapin II”, April 2017
Speaker, Conférence ERA sur le droit social européen, March 2017
Client seminar: Thoughts around the Sapin II law, February 2017
Speaker, Employment Lawyers Association conference on “Data Protection - A European and in-house perspective of the GDPR”, January 2017
Speaker, 16th edition of Les Rencontres Économiques d'Aix-en-Provence, July 2016
Speaker, A&O/AEF event “Décryptage du projet de loi El Khomri”, April 2016
Leadership Positions And Professional Affiliations
Board member (2005-2022) and Chair of the EELA (2015-2017)
Member of the Employment and Discrimination committees of the International Bar Association (IBA)
Member of AVO|SIAL
- Leading individual, Legal 500 EMEA, Employment, France, 2020
- Band 2, Chambers Europe, Employment, France, 2020
- Recognized practitioner in Best Lawyers, Labor and Employment Law, France, 2020
- Thought Leaders, Who's Who Legal, Employment, France, 2020
- Thought Leaders, Who's Who Legal, Employment, France, 2023
- Leading individual, Legal 500, Employment, France, 2022