Dr Christian Eichner
Christian advises on a wide range of complex national and cross-border, private as well as public M&A transactions and core corporate matters (particularly stock corporation law and capital market law).
Christian works with major international clients across jurisdictions and in multiple sectors including technology/e-commerce, real estate and industrial. He advises stock-listed companies, management and supervisory boards as well as PE and strategic investors for more than 20 years.
Representative matters
The supervisory board of Porsche SE, in particular Dr. Wolfgang Porsche, in relation to termination agreements with the then incumbent CEO and CFO as pre-requisite for enabling the integrated automotive group of Porsche/VW and subsequently Supervisory board members of Volkswagen AG with respect to their fiduciary duties in relation to the multi-billion Porsche/VW merger.
Berkshire Hathaway and Mr. Warren Buffett in relation to capital market law aspects in connection with M&A.
Scout24 as target of the planned EUR5.7bn public offer by Hellman&Friedmann/Blackstone as well as the successful completion of a public EUR800m buyback offer (including listed tender rights) and the conversion into Societas Europaea.
Long-standing M&A transaction advice totaling more than EUR3bn. for CORESTATE Capital Holding S.A., a leading independent real estate investment manager in Europe. This also includes entering the French market through the acquisition of STAM Europe and supporting on various capital measures (IPO, bond, convertible, equity capital measures).
The Supervisory Board of CompuGroup Medical SE & Co. KGaA in connection with several large-volume transactions in Germany and abroad as well as conversion into Societas Europaea.
Published Work
- Eichner C. / Haßler T. (2016) "Zur Haftung des Sanierungs-Geschäftsführers für Zahlungen nach Insolvenzreife“, EWiR 2016, page 493
- Eichner C. (2011) "Required actions by the supervisory board in case of a suspected breach of fiduciary duties by the management board", AG 24/2011, page 885-894
- Eichner C. (2010) "Duties of care and structural leeway of the supervisory board in relation to management service contracts according to VorstAG", ZIP 43/2010, page 2082-2088
- Eichner C., Mix Y.-G. (2007) "A misjudgement as guideline? Maxim Billers 'Esra', Klaus Manns 'Mephisto' and the problem of Freedom of Art in Germany", IASL, 32nd ed., 2007, page 183-227
- Eichner C. (2003) "Defense measures by the management board of a listed stock corporation against hostile takeovers", NZG 2003, page 150-155
- Eichner C. (2002) " Management-buy-out-structures and spin offs – with special focus on the newly adopted corporate tax legislation 2001", Frankfurt a. M.: Peter Lang Publishing House/Corporate and Capital Market Laws Series
Leadership Positions And Professional Affiliations
- Member of the management board of the Society supporting the Bavarian Academy of Sciences
Dr. iur., University of Bayreuth, 2002
LL.M. (Corporation Law), New York University, New York, 2002
2nd State Examination, District Court Munich, 2001
M.A. (Modern German Literature), LMU Munich, 1998
1st State Examination, Laws, LMU Munich, 1998