Carolijn Ulmer
Image of Carolijn Ulmer

Carolijn Ulmer


Carolijn has experience in a wide range of finance transactions, with a strong focus on financial restructuring and loan work outs.
Carolijn started her career with the firm and its predecessor Loeff Claeys Verbeke in New York and Amsterdam. She worked for leading banks in the Netherlands before returning to the firm as a peerpointer.

Leadership Positions And Professional Affiliations

  •  Member INSOLAD 



Listed in the register of legal practice areas of the Dutch Bar Association for Insolventierecht 


Dutch, English
A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.