Bart specialises in complex commercial and corporate litigation and arbitration cases, and has a particular interest in insolvency and restructuring matters as well as in shareholder disputes.
In addition, Bart has broad experience in negotiating and drafting a wide variety of contracts in the construction and energy sectors. Finally, as a key member of our Belgian Insurance team, Bart also frequently acts in insurance related matters.

Published Work

  • B. DE BOCK, “The emergency arbitrator in the 2013 CEPANI Arbitration Rules”, b-Arbitra 2015/1, pp. 67-87. 

  • B. DE BOCK, Report on the CEPANI colloquium on "Third party funding in arbitration", CEPANI Newsletter Nr. 111, March 2017, p. 2-3. 
  • B. DE BOCK, Insurance Litigation 2019 Belgium (country overview), publication entitled “Getting The Deal Through: Insurance Litigation 2019”, 2019.
  • B. DE BOCK, "D&O Insurance and the new BCCA", eAlert Allen & Overy (Belgium) LLP, 5 November 2019.
  • B. DE BOCK, "Introduction of pre-pack insolvency procedure in Belgium", eAlert Allen & Overy (Belgium) LLP, 29 March 2021.
  • B. DE BOCK, T. MERTENS, “Introduction of a pre-pack insolvency procedure in Belgium”, HERO - Herstructurering & Recovery Online, 12 April 2021.
  • B. DE BOCK, Case note on "Transferring of distressed assets in judicial reorganisation proceedings", Tijdschrift voor Beslag en Insolventierecht, TIBR 2021/2, 1 November 2021.
  • B. DE BOCK, A. BASTENIER, "Maatwerk in de gerechtelijke reorganisatie: de ene overdracht is de andere niet…", Tijdschrift voor Beslag- en Insolventierecht, 2021/2, pp. 116-127.
  • B. DE BOCK, Case note on "Supreme Court judgment 9 September 2021 and Antwerp Court of Appeal judgment 22 April 2022", Tijdschrift voor Beslag en Insolventierecht - TIBR 1/2022, RS-11 and RS-139, 1 May 2022.
  • B. DE BOCK, E. MAES, "Derdenverzet en faillissement", TIBR 2022, nr. 1, 36-43.
  • B. DE BOCK, "Oprichtersaansprakelijkheid: ook de cijferberoeper in het vizier", TBH, 24 November 2022.
  • B. DE BOCK, "Geen definitieve belastingvrijstelling meer voor ondernemingen in moeilijkheden", Fiscoloog, 1 December 2023.
  • B. DE BOCK, "Tweede keer, goede keer? Geen uitputting van rechtsmacht, noch gezag van gewijsde na indiening van een tweede verzoek tot kwijtschelding van schuld", TIBR, 1 May 2024. 


Leadership Positions And Professional Affiliations

  • Board Member of BeTA, the Belgium Turnaround Association  
  • CEPANI member
  • Steering Committee CEPANI 40



Attorney-at-law at the Antwerp Bar, 2016

Attorney-at-law at the Brussels Bar, 2015 


LL.M. King’s College London, 2012

Master of Law, University of Antwerp, 2011

Bachelor of Law, University of Antwerp, 2009


Dutch, English
A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.