Antonio Jimenez-Blanco
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Antonio Jimenez-Blanco


He is an expert on economic, administrative and competition law and has acted on a number of transactions, from a regulatory point of view in the telecom, banking, energy and health sectors. Antonio has publications on several areas of public law such as zoning law, fundamental rights, planning law, European integration and economic regulation. As well, he has acted as national and international arbitrator. Antonio has been with the firm since 2001.

He is a professor in Administrative Law and a former legal advisor of the Spanish Parliament. He is an expert on economic, administrative and competition law and has acted on a number of transactions, from a regulatory point of view in the telecom, banking, energy and health sectors.

Antonio has publications on several areas of public law such as zoning law, fundamental rights, planning law, European integration and economic regulation. As well, he has acted as national and international arbitrator.



Published Work

  • "Derecho Administrativo práctico", Coeditor, Ed. Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2002
  • “El Estado de las Autonomías (los sectores productivos y la organización territorial del Estado)”, Co-editor with Julián Martínez Simancas Ed. Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, Madrid, 1997
  • “Notas sobre la Carta Europea de los Servicios de Interés Económico General”, Verfassungsstaatlichkeit (Festschrift für KLAUS STERN zum 65. Gebusrstag), Beck, München, 1997
  • “La Administración de la Comunidad Europea: controles y garantías” in the book “El Defensor del Pueblo en el Tratado de la Unión Europea”, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, 1993 Autónomas”, Instituto de Estudios Económicos, Madrid, 1989
  • 'Comentarios a la Constitución, with others, Ed. Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces, Madrid, 1992
  • “Las relaciones de funcionamiento entre el poder central y los entes territoriales”. Instituto de Estudios de Administración Local, Madrid, 1985
  • “De nuevo en torno a las leyes orgánicas, las bases y las competencias legislativas de las Comunidades Autónomas”, REDA, Civitas, núm. 53, 1987
  • “La distribución de competencias económicas entre el Estado y las Comunidades Autónomas” from the book “Pasado, Presente y Futuro de las Comunidades

Leadership Positions And Professional Affiliations

Member, Madrid Bar Association

Member, Society of the Spanish-German Law

Member, Academie Internationale de Droit Comparé (Paris).



Abogado, Spain, 1979


Degree, Law, Universidad de Granada, 1979

PhD, Law, Complutense University of Madrid, 1984

Additional Law Studies, 1987


English, French, German, Spanish
A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.