
ReStart 2024: empowering the over-50s workforce

ReStart 2024: empowering the over-50s workforce
Published Date
Dec 18 2024

Ahead of the curve in tackling the barriers facing a vital yet often-overlooked group, Allen & Overy (A&O) founded ReStart in 2017. The primary goal was to equip workers aged 50 and over with the knowledge, tools, and confidence needed to enhance their employability. Now in its eighth year, ReStart has helped hundreds of people aged 50–64 in the U.K., using targeted and holistic interventions designed to support their return to the workforce.

Applications for the 2025 ReStart cohort are now closed.

The ReStart 2024 program impact report highlights the significant barriers that older workers face in the job market. With over 3.5 million people aged 50–64 economically inactive in the U.K., and more than 700,000 of those who would like to be in work but are not, the need for targeted support is evident. Key obstacles include inflexible work patterns, ageist attitudes, biases against career gaps, and long-term sickness. These challenges are compounded by socio-economic factors such as the pandemic and the cost-of-living crisis, which have driven many older individuals to seek employment in an increasingly competitive and unfamiliar job market.

How does ReStart work?

ReStart is open to participants aged over 50 and, on average have been unemployed for six to 12 months.

The program is comprised of 10 practical workshops, including:

  • Setting program objectives per participant.
  • Guest speaker on personal resilience and wellbeing.
  • Action planning.
  • Working styles and the importance of building your personal brand and network.
  • Planning your job search.
  • Employability clinic.
  • Linkedin.
  • Positioning yourself in the new business environment.
  • Maintaining momentum with scenario planning.
  • Taking stock and planning for success.
  • The program supports participants holistically by providing a range of personalized support interventions and considering the specific barriers that individuals face to gaining employment.

ReStart’s impact is profound, with 100% of participants recommending it to others in similar situations. The structured environment of ReStart allows participants to explore their strengths, develop new skills, and build confidence. This year, 26 participants completed the program, with many sharing that the peer support they received was invaluable in fostering a safe space to share challenges and celebrate successes.

Measuring the impact of ReStart

The Good Business Initiative (GBI) has partnered with A&O Shearman to measure the impact of ReStart 2024 through a combination of surveys, interviews, and mentor feedback. The results are impressive: over 90% of participants experienced improvements in career readiness, mindset, and skill sets. Notably, 41% of participants secured new roles, and 23% found other opportunities such as volunteering or starting a business. The program also significantly reduced the perceived barriers to employment, with age discrimination and lack of confidence seeing notable declines.

Success stories: transformative journeys

The personal journeys of ReStart participants underscore the program's effectiveness.

Faizal, for instance, found the strengths analysis particularly useful, helping him to realign his career goals with his values. Now working for his local County Council, Faizal feels more confident and equipped to navigate his new role.

Similarly, Jane, who faced redundancy and health challenges, regained her focus and confidence through the program. She now volunteers on a project ranking universities on their sustainability, leveraging her previous experience and newfound mindset.

Michele's journey is another testament to ReStart's impact. Initially struggling to secure interviews, Michele's participation in the program helped her understand the job market better and present herself more confidently. She has since started her own personal training business aimed at menopausal women and also works as a waitress and bartender, enjoying the new roles and the sense of youth they bring.

Further information about how A&O Shearman processes personal data can be found in our privacy policy which is available here.

This is a fantastically run, professional course. It has given me resources and confidence. I would have had a different career path if I’d been on this type of course when [ I was] younger.” – ReStart participant, 2024

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