Ahead of the Curve: The future of U.K. financial services

The Financial Services and Markets Act 2023 paves the way to repeal EU sector legislation and replace it with U.K. regulators’ rules.


Brexit presented headwinds to the U.K.’s predominance as a regional and global financial center: the key question under discussion has been how far, and how fast, regulatory reform should be used as a tool to reposition the sector for growth. 

On this page, we identify the key proposals across the regulatory framework, primary and secondary markets, digital assets & crypto, financial markets infrastructure and insurance, and outline what they mean for the market and our clients. You can read, watch and listen to them individually, or download the relevant files using the links provided. 

To receive the latest updates from our market-leading experts, you can subscribe here. If you have any questions about the Financial Service and Markets Act 2023, or other future regulatory policy proposals and how your organization might be affected, please get in touch with your usual A&O Shearman contact or the key people below.

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This content was originally published by Allen & Overy before the A&O Shearman merger

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