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Marie Coussi


Marie is an associate in the public and regulatory law department of our Paris office.

She advises clients on general public law (especially public procurement and urban planning) and environmental law (classified facilities, contaminated sites, water, waste management, ESG issues).

She also has experience in regulated sectors (notably energy, health and product compliance) and has developed expertise in specific areas such as renewable energy. She has published several articles in law reviews, on environmental and energy issues.

She is regularly involved in pre-litigation and litigation matters before French courts.

Published Work

  • "Les énergies renouvelables stimulées par la loi Climat et Résilience", Le Moniteur, November 2021 (co-writed with Louis-Narito Harada)
  • "Objectif Zéro Artificialisation Nette : la loi "Climat-Résilience" introduit un changement de paradigme dans la manière de concevoir nos villes", BDEI, Supp. 95, September 2021 (co-writed with Louis-Narito Harada)
  • "Power Purchase Agreements: An Emerging Tool at the Centre of the European Energy transition A Focus on France", European Energy and Environmental Law Review, Vol. 29 Issue 5, October 2020 (co-writed with Louis-Narito Harada)
  • "Les « power purchase agreements » en France, un outil émergent au coeur de la transition énergétique", BDEI, No. 87, June 2020 (co-writed with Louis-Narito Harada)
  • "Eolien terrestre : cadre juridique et défis pour la filière", BDEI, Supp. No. 84, December 2019 (co-writed with Louis-Narito Harada)



Admitted to the Bar, Paris, 2020


Master in Economic Law, Sciences Po Paris, 2017


French, English
A&O Shearman was formed on May 1, 2024 by the combination of Shearman & Sterling LLP and Allen & Overy LLP and their respective affiliates (the legacy firms). Any matters referred to above may include matters undertaken by one or more of the legacy firms rather than A&O Shearman.